Kubernetes-Based Deployment of a Validator node

This section describes how to deploy a standalone validator node in Kubernetes using Helm charts. The Helm charts deploy a validator node along with associated wallet and CNS UIs, and connect it to a target cluster.


  1. Access to the following two Artifactory repositories:

  2. A running Kubernetes cluster in which you have administrator access to create and manage namespaces.

  3. A development workstation with the following:

    1. kubectl - At least v1.26.1

    2. helm - At least v3.11.1

  4. Your cluster either needs to be connected to the GCP DA Canton VPN or you need a static egress IP. In the latter case, please provide that IP address to your contact at Digital Asset to add it to the firewall rules.

  5. Please download the release artifacts containing the sample Helm value files, from here: Download Bundle, and extract the bundle:

tar xzvf 0.3.3_splice-node.tar.gz
  1. Please inquire if the global synchronizer (domain) on your target network has previously undergone a synchronizer migration. If it has, please record the current migration ID of the synchronizer. The migration ID is 0 for the initial synchronizer deployment and is incremented by 1 for each subsequent migration.


Preparing a Cluster for Installation

In the following, you will need your Artifactory credentials from https://digitalasset.jfrog.io/ui/user_profile. Based on that, set the following environment variables.




Your Artifactory user name shown at the top right.


Your Artifactory Identity token. If you don’t have one you can generate one on your profile page.

Ensure that your local helm installation has access to the Digital Asset Helm chart repository:

helm repo add canton-network-helm \
    https://digitalasset.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/helm/canton-network-helm \
    --username ${ARTIFACTORY_USER} \
    --password ${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}

Create the application namespace within Kubernetes and ensure it has image pull credentials for fetching images from the Digital Asset Artifactory repository used for Docker images.

kubectl create ns validator

kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-reg-cred \
    --docker-server=digitalasset-canton-network-docker.jfrog.io \
    --docker-username=${ARTIFACTORY_USER} \
    --docker-password=${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \
    -n validator

kubectl patch serviceaccount default -n validator \
    -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "docker-reg-cred"}]}'

Configuring PostgreSQL authentication

The PostgreSQL instance that the helm charts create, and all apps that depend on it, require the user’s password to be set through Kubernetes secrets. Currently, all apps use the Postgres user cnadmin. The password can be setup with the following command, assuming you set the environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD to a secure value:

kubectl create secret generic postgres-secrets \
    --from-literal=postgresPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \
    -n validator

Preparing for Validator Onboarding

In order to become a validator, you need the sponsorship of an SV. Your SV will provide you with a required secret to authorize yourself towards their SV.

The onboarding secret is a one-time use secret that expires after 24 hours. If you don’t join before it expires, you need to request a new secret from your SV sponsor.


On DevNet, you can obtain an onboarding secret automatically by calling the following endpoint on any SV (Digital-Asset-2 used here for illustration):

curl -X POST https://sv.sv-2.TARGET_CLUSTER.global.canton.network.digitalasset.com/api/sv/v0/devnet/onboard/validator/prepare

Ensure that your validator onboarding secret VALIDATOR_SECRET is set in the namespace you created earlier. The value should be provided by the SV sponsoring the onboarding of your validator.

kubectl create secret generic splice-app-validator-onboarding-validator \
    "--from-literal=secret=${VALIDATOR_SECRET}" \
    -n validator

Configuring Authentication

For security, the various components that comprise your Validator node need to be able to authenticate themselves to each other, as well as be able to authenticate external UI and API users. We use JWT access tokens for authentication and expect these tokens to be issued by an (external) OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. You must:

  1. Set up an OIDC provider in such a way that both backends and web UI users are able to obtain JWTs in a supported form.

  2. Configure your backends to use that OIDC provider.

OIDC Provider Requirements

This section provides pointers for setting up an OIDC provider for use with your Validator node. Feel free to skip directly to Configuring an Auth0 Tenant if you plan to use Auth0 for your Validator node’s authentication needs.

Your OIDC provider must be reachable [1] at a well known (HTTPS) URL. In the following, we will refer to this URL as OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL. Both your Validator node and any users that wish to authenticate to a web UI connected to your Validator node must be able to reach the OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL. We require your OIDC provider to provide a discovery document at OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL/.well-known/openid-configuration. We furthermore require that your OIDC provider exposes a JWK Set document. In this documentation, we assume that this document is available at OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL/.well-known/jwks.json.

For machine-to-machine (Validator node component to Validator node component) authentication, your OIDC provider must support the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant flow. This means that you must be able to configure (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET) pairs for all Validator node components that need to authenticate to others. Currently, this is the validator app backend - which needs to authenticate to the Validator node’s Canton participant. The sub field of JWTs issued through this flow must match the user ID configured as ledger-api-user in Configuring Authentication on your Validator. In this documentation, we assume that the sub field of these JWTs is formed as CLIENT_ID@clients. If this is not true for your OIDC provider, pay extra attention when configuring ledger-api-user values below.

For user-facing authentication - allowing users to access the various web UIs hosted on your Validator node, your OIDC provider must support the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow and allow you to obtain client identifiers for the web UIs your Validator node will be hosting. Currently, these are the Wallet web UI and the CNS web UI. You might be required to whitelist a range of URLs on your OIDC provider, such as “Allowed Callback URLs”, “Allowed Logout URLs”, “Allowed Web Origins”, and “Allowed Origins (CORS)”. If you are using the ingress configuration of this runbook, the correct URLs to configure here are https://wallet.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME (for the Wallet web UI) and https://cns.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME (for the CNS web UI).

YOUR_HOSTNAME is a placeholder that you need to replace with the actual domain name or IP address of the server hosting your services.

An identifier that is unique to the user must be set via the sub field of the issued JWT. On some occasions, this identifier will be used as a user name for that user on your Validator node’s Canton participant. In Installing the Software, you will be required to configure a user identifier as the validatorWalletUser - make sure that whatever you configure there matches the contents of the sub field of JWTs issued for that user.

All JWTs issued for use with your Validator node:

  • must be signed using the RS256 signing algorithm

In the future, your OIDC provider might additionally be required to issue JWTs with a scope explicitly set to daml_ledger_api (when requested to do so as part of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow).

Summing up, your OIDC provider setup must provide you with the following configuration values:




The URL of your OIDC provider for obtaining the openid-configuration and jwks.json.


The client id of the Auth0 app for the validator app backend


The client secret of the Auth0 app for the validator app backend


The client id of the Auth0 app for the wallet UI.


The client id of the Auth0 app for the CNS UI.

We are going to use these values, exported to environment variables named as per the Name column, in Configuring Authentication on your Validator and Installing the Software.

When first starting out, it is suggested to configure both JWT token audiences below to the same value: https://canton.network.global.

Once you can confirm that your setup is working correctly using this (simple) default, we recommend that you configure dedicated audience values that match your deployment and URLs. You can configure audiences of your choice for the participant ledger API and the validator backend API. We will refer to these using the following configuration values:




The audience for the participant ledger API. e.g. https://ledger_api.example.com


The audience for the validator backend API. e.g. https://validator.example.com/api

In case you are facing trouble with setting up your (non-Auth0) OIDC provider, it can be beneficial to skim the instructions in Configuring an Auth0 Tenant as well, to check for functionality or configuration details that your OIDC provider setup might be missing.

Configuring an Auth0 Tenant

To configure Auth0 as your validator’s OIDC provider, perform the following:

  1. Create an Auth0 tenant for your validator

  2. Create an Auth0 API that controls access to the ledger API:

    1. Navigate to Applications > APIs and click “Create API”. Set name to Daml Ledger API, set identifier to https://canton.network.global. Alternatively, if you would like to configure your own audience, you can set the identifier here. e.g. https://ledger_api.example.com.

    2. Under the Permissions tab in the new API, add a permission with scope daml_ledger_api, and a description of your choice.

    3. On the Settings tab, scroll down to “Access Settings” and enable “Allow Offline Access”, for automatic token refreshing.

  3. (Optional) If you want to configure a different audience to your APIs, you can do so by creating new Auth0 APIs with an identifier set to the audience of your choice. For example,

    1. Create another API by setting name to Validator App API, set identifier for the Validator backend app e.g. https://validator.example.com/api.

  4. Create an Auth0 Application for the validator backend:

    1. In Auth0, navigate to Applications -> Applications, and click the “Create Application” button.

    2. Name it Validator app backend, choose “Machine to Machine Applications”, and click Create.

    3. Choose the Daml Ledger API API you created in step 2 in the “Authorize Machine to Machine Application” dialog and click Authorize.

  5. Create an Auth0 Application for the wallet web UI.

    1. In Auth0, navigate to Applications -> Applications, and click the “Create Application” button.

    2. Choose “Single Page Web Applications”, call it Wallet web UI, and click Create.

    3. Determine the URL for your validator’s wallet UI. If you’re using the ingress configuration of this runbook, that would be https://wallet.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME.

    4. In the Auth0 application settings, add the URL of the validator wallet to the following:

      • “Allowed Callback URLs”

      • “Allowed Logout URLs”

      • “Allowed Web Origins”

      • “Allowed Origins (CORS)”

    5. Save your application settings.

  6. Create an Auth0 Application for the CNS web UI. Repeat all steps described in step 5, with following modifications:

    • In step b, use CNS web UI as the name of your application.

    • In steps c and d, use the URL for your validator’s CNS UI. If you’re using the ingress configuration of this runbook, that would be https://cns.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME.

Please refer to Auth0’s own documentation on user management for pointers on how to set up end-user accounts for the two web UI applications you created. Note that you will need to create at least one such user account for completing the steps in Installing the Software - for being able to log in as your Validator node’s administrator. You will be asked to obtain the user identifier for this user account. It can be found in the Auth0 interface under User Management -> Users -> your user’s name -> user_id (a field right under the user’s name at the top).

We will use the environment variables listed in the table below to refer to aspects of your Auth0 configuration:






The optional audience of your choice for Ledger API. e.g. https://ledger_api.example.com


The client id of the Auth0 app for the validator app backend


The client secret of the Auth0 app for the validator app backend


The client id of the Auth0 app for the wallet UI.


The client id of the Auth0 app for the CNS UI.

The AUTH0_TENANT_NAME is the name of your Auth0 tenant as shown at the top left of your Auth0 project. You can obtain the client ID and secret of each Auth0 app from the settings pages of that app.

Configuring Authentication on your Validator

We are now going to configure your Validator node software based on the OIDC provider configuration values your exported to environment variables at the end of either OIDC Provider Requirements or Configuring an Auth0 Tenant. (Note that some authentication-related configuration steps are also included in Installing the Software.)

The validator app backend requires the following secret.

kubectl create --namespace validator secret generic splice-app-validator-ledger-api-auth \
    "--from-literal=ledger-api-user=${VALIDATOR_CLIENT_ID}@clients" \
    "--from-literal=url=${OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL}/.well-known/openid-configuration" \
    "--from-literal=client-id=${VALIDATOR_CLIENT_ID}" \
    "--from-literal=client-secret=${VALIDATOR_CLIENT_SECRET}" \

To setup the wallet and CNS UI, create the following two secrets.

kubectl create --namespace validator secret generic splice-app-wallet-ui-auth \
    "--from-literal=url=${OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL}" \

kubectl create --namespace validator secret generic splice-app-cns-ui-auth \
    "--from-literal=url=${OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL}" \

Installing the Software

Configuring the Helm Charts

To install the Helm charts needed to start a Validator node connected to the cluster, you will need to meet a few preconditions. The first is that there needs to be an environment variable defined to refer to the version of the Helm charts necessary to connect to this environment:

export CHART_VERSION=0.3.3

Please modify the file splice-node/examples/sv-helm/participant-values.yaml as follows:

  • Replace OIDC_AUTHORITY_LEDGER_API_AUDIENCE in the auth.targetAudience entry with audience for the ledger API. e.g. https://ledger_api.example.com. If you are not ready to use a custom audience, you can use the suggested default https://canton.network.global.

  • Update the auth.jwksUrl entry to point to your auth provider’s JWK set document by replacing OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL with your auth provider’s OIDC URL, as explained above.

  • If you are running on a version of Kubernetes earlier than 1.24, set enableHealthProbes to false to disable the gRPC liveness and readiness probes.

  • Add db.volumeSize and db.volumeStorageClass to the values file adjust persistant storage size and storage class if necessary. (These values default to 20GiB and standard-rwo)

  • Replace YOUR_NODE_NAME with the name you want your validator node to be represented as on the network.

  • Replace all instances of TARGET_CLUSTER with unknown_cluster, per the cluster to which you are connecting.

  • For the initial onboarding of your node only, set disableAutoInit to false.

Additionally, please modify the file splice-node/examples/sv-helm/standalone-participant-values.yaml as follows:

  • Replace MIGRATION_ID with the migration ID of the global synchronizer on your target cluster.

To configure the validator app, please modify the file splice-node/examples/sv-helm/validator-values.yaml as follows:

  • Replace TRUSTED_SCAN_URL with a URL of a Scan you host or trust that is reachable by your Validator. For example, the GSF scan URL, e.g., https://scan.sv-1.TARGET_CLUSTER.global.canton.network.sync.global (This Scan instance will be used for obtaining additional Scan URLs for BFT Scan reads.)

  • If you want to configure the audience for the Validator app backend API, replace OIDC_AUTHORITY_VALIDATOR_AUDIENCE in the auth.audience entry with audience for the Validator app backend API. e.g. https://validator.example.com/api.

  • If you want to configure the audience for the Ledger API, set the audience field in the splice-app-validator-ledger-api-auth k8s secret with the audience for the Ledger API. e.g. https://ledger_api.example.com.

  • Replace OPERATOR_WALLET_USER_ID with the user ID in your IAM that you want to use to log into the wallet as the validator operator party. Note that this should be the full user id, e.g., auth0|43b68e1e4978b000cefba352, not only the suffix 43b68e1e4978b000cefba352

  • Replace YOUR_CONTACT_POINT by a slack user name or email address that can be used by node operators to contact you in case there are issues with your node. Note that this contact information will be publicly visible. If you do not want to share contact information, you can put an empty string.

  • Update the auth.jwksUrl entry to point to your auth provider’s JWK set document by replacing OIDC_AUTHORITY_URL with your auth provider’s OIDC URL, as explained above.

If you want to configure to only connect to a single trusted scan at TRUSTED_SCAN_URL but not obtaining additional Scan URLs for BFT Scan reads, you can uncomment the following and set nonSvValidatorTrustSingleScan to true. This does mean that you depend on that single SV and if it is broken or malicious you will be unable to use the network so usually you want to default to not enabling this.

# If you want to configure validator to use a single trusted scan, set ``nonSvValidatorTrustSingleScan`` to true.
# It will only connect to the scan specified in ``scanAddress``. This does mean that you depend on that single SV and if it is broken or malicious you will be unable to use the network so usually you want to default to not enabling this.
# nonSvValidatorTrustSingleScan: true

If you want to configure to connect to the decentralized synchronizer via only a single trusted sequencer, you can uncomment the following and set useSequencerConnectionsFromScan to false. Also replace TRUSTED_SYNCHRONIZER_SEQUENCER_URL with the publicly accessible URL of the trusted sequencer, e.g., https://sequencer-MIGRATION_ID.sv-1.TARGET_CLUSTER.global.canton.network.sync.global. This does mean that you depend on that single SV and if it is broken or malicious you will be unable to use the network so usually you want to default to not enabling this.

# If you want to configure validator to connect to a single trusted sequencer, set ``useSequencerConnectionsFromScan`` to false.
# and replace ``TRUSTED_SYNCHRONIZER_SEQUENCER_URL`` with the publicly accessible URL of the trusted sequencer.
# This does mean that you depend on that single SV and if it is broken or malicious you will be unable to use the network so usually you want to default to not enabling this.
# decentralizedSynchronizerUrl: "TRUSTED_SYNCHRONIZER_SEQUENCER_URL"
# useSequencerConnectionsFromScan: false

Additionally, please modify the file splice-node/examples/sv-helm/standalone-validator-values.yaml as follows:

  • Replace MIGRATION_ID with the migration ID of the global synchronizer on your target cluster.

  • Replace SPONSOR_SV_URL with the URL of the SV that will sponsor the onboarding of your validator, e.g., https://sv.sv-2.TARGET_CLUSTER.global.canton.network.sync.global.

If you are redeploying the validator app as part of a synchronizer migration, you will also need to set migrating to true in your standalone-validator-values.yaml:

# Replace MIGRATION_ID with the migration ID of the global synchronizer.
  # Uncomment this when redeploying as part of a migration, i.e., MIGRATION_ID was incremented and a migration dump was exported to the attached pvc.
  # migrating: true

Finally, please add the following values to your standalone-validator-values.yaml file:

  networkName: "Canton Network"
  networkFaviconUrl: "https://www.canton.network/hubfs/cn-favicon-05%201-1.png"
  amuletName: "Canton Coin"
  amuletNameAcronym: "CC"
  nameServiceName: "Canton Name Service"
  nameServiceNameAcronym: "CNS"

Installing the Helm Charts

With these files in place, you can execute the following helm commands in sequence. It’s generally a good idea to wait until each deployment reaches a stable state prior to moving on to the next step.

helm repo update
helm install postgres canton-network-helm/splice-postgres -n validator --version ${CHART_VERSION} -f splice-node/examples/sv-helm/postgres-values-validator-participant.yaml --wait
helm install participant canton-network-helm/splice-participant -n validator --version ${CHART_VERSION} -f splice-node/examples/sv-helm/participant-values.yaml -f splice-node/examples/sv-helm/standalone-participant-values.yaml --wait
helm install validator canton-network-helm/splice-validator -n validator --version ${CHART_VERSION} -f splice-node/examples/sv-helm/validator-values.yaml -f splice-node/examples/sv-helm/standalone-validator-values.yaml --wait

Once this is running, you should be able to inspect the state of the cluster and observe pods running in the new namespace. A typical query might look as follows:

$ kubectl get pods -n validator
NAMESPACE         NAME                                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
validator         ans-web-ui-5bf489db78-bdn2j           1/1     Running            0               24m
validator         participant-8988dfb54-m9655           1/1     Running            0               26m
validator         postgres-0                            1/1     Running            0               37m
validator         validator-app-f8c74d5dd-zf9j4         1/1     Running            0               24m
validator         wallet-web-ui-69d85cdb99-fnj7q        1/1     Running            0               24m

Note also that Pod restarts may happen during bringup, particularly if all helm charts are deployed at the same time. For example, the participant cannot start until postgres is running.

Configuring the Cluster Ingress

The following routes should be configured in your cluster ingress controller.














  • https://wallet.validator.<YOUR_HOSTNAME> should be routed to service wallet-web-ui in the validator namespace

  • https://wallet.validator.<YOUR_HOSTNAME>/api/validator should be routed to /api/validator at port 5003 of service validator-app in the validator namespace

  • https://cns.validator.<YOUR_HOSTNAME> should be routed to service ans-web-ui in the validator namespace

  • https://cns.validator.<YOUR_HOSTNAME>/api/validator should be routed to /api/validator at port 5003 of service validator-app in the validator namespace

Internet ingress configuration is often specific to the network configuration and scenario of the cluster being configured. To illustrate the basic requirements of a Validator node ingress, we have provided a Helm chart that configures the above cluster according to the routes above, as detailed in the sections below.


In order to install the reference charts, the following must be satisfied in your cluster:

Note that their deployments are often platform-dependent and good documentations on how to set them up can be found online.

Example of Istio installation:

helm repo add istio https://istio-release.storage.googleapis.com/charts
helm repo update
helm install istio-base istio/base -n istio-system --set defaults.global.istioNamespace=cluster-ingress --wait
helm install istiod istio/istiod -n cluster-ingress --set global.istioNamespace="cluster-ingress" --set meshConfig.accessLogFile="/dev/stdout"  --wait

Installation Instructions

Create a cluster-ingress namespace with image pull permissions from the Artifactory docker repository:

kubectl create ns cluster-ingress

kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-reg-cred \
    --docker-server=digitalasset-canton-network-docker.jfrog.io \
    --docker-username=${ARTIFACTORY_USER} \
    --docker-password=${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \
    -n cluster-ingress

kubectl patch serviceaccount default -n cluster-ingress \
    -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "docker-reg-cred"}]}'

Ensure that there is a cert-manager certificate available in a secret named cn-net-tls. An example of a suitable certificate definition:

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
   name: cn-certificate
   namespace: cluster-ingress
    - '*.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME'
        name: letsencrypt-production
    secretName: cn-net-tls

Create a file named istio-gateway-values.yaml with the following content (Tip: on GCP you can get the cluster IP from gcloud compute addresses list):

    loadBalancerIP: "YOUR_CLUSTER_IP"
        - ""
        - ""
        - ""
        - ""

And install it to your cluster:

helm install istio-ingress istio/gateway -n cluster-ingress -f istio-gateway-values.yaml

A reference Helm chart installing a gateway that uses this service is also provided. To install it, run the following (assuming the environment variable YOUR_HOSTNAME is set to your hostname):

helm install cluster-gateway canton-network-helm/splice-istio-gateway -n cluster-ingress --version ${CHART_VERSION} --set cluster.daHostname=${YOUR_HOSTNAME} --set cluster.cantonHostname=${YOUR_HOSTNAME}

This gateway terminates tls using the secret that you configured above, and exposes raw http traffic in its outbound port 443. Istio VirtualServices can now be created to route traffic from there to the required pods within the cluster. Another reference Helm chart is provided for that, which can be installed using:

helm install cluster-ingress-validator canton-network-helm/splice-cluster-ingress-runbook -n validator --version ${CHART_VERSION} -f splice-node/examples/sv-helm/validator-cluster-ingress-values.yaml

Logging into the wallet UI

After you deploy your ingress, open your browser at https://wallet.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME and login using the credentials for the user that you configured as validatorWalletUser earlier. Once logged in one should see the transactions page.

After logged in into the wallet UI

(Testnet-only) Granting coin to the validator for traffic purchases

On testnet, your validator party will need an initial coin grant to be able to purchase traffic. After logging into the wallet UI in the previous section, note that the party ID is displayed in the top right of the UI (e.g. validator_validator_service_user::12204f9f94b7369e027544927703efcdf0f03cb15bd26ac53c784c627b63bdf8f041).

An SV (say your sponsor) will need to transfer coin to this party. They can do this through their wallet UI.

Logging into the CNS UI

You can open your browser at https://cns.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME and login using the credentials for the user that you configured as validatorWalletUser earlier. You will be able to register a name on the Canton Name Service.

After logged in into the CNS UI

Configuring top-ups

Optionally you may want to configure a validator’s traffic top-up loop for non-production validators. To do so, uncomment and fill in the following section in the validator-values.yaml file:

# Configuring a validator's traffic top-up loop
# enabled - set to false in order to disable automatic traffic top-ups.
# targetThroughput - target throughput in bytes / second of sequenced traffic. targetThroughput=0 <=> enabled=false
# minTopupInterval - minimum time interval that must elapse before the next top-up.
# On each successful top-up, an amount of traffic roughly equivalent to `targetThroughput * minTopupInterval`
# (possibly with some rounding-up), referred to as the top-up amount, is purchased. The `minTopupInterval` allows
# validator operators to control the frequency at which automated top-ups happen. Note that the actual top-up amount
# and top-up interval might be larger due to the DSO requiring a minimal top-up amount larger than `targetThroughput * minTopupInterval`.
# The next top-up gets triggered when:
# - the available traffic amount drops below the configured top-up amount
# - at least minTopupInterval has elapsed since the last one
# - the validator has sufficient CC in its wallet to buy this much traffic (except on DevNet)

Configuring sweeps and auto-accepts of transfer offers

You can optionally configure the validator to automatically create transfer offers to other parties on the network whenever the balance of certain parties that it hosts exceeds a certain threshold. To do so, uncomment and fill in the following section in the validator-values.yaml file:

# If you want funds sweeped out of parties in this validator, uncomment and fill in the following:
#  "<senderPartyId>":
#    maxBalanceUSD: <maxBalanceUSD>
#    minBalanceUSD: <minBalanceUSD>
#    receiver: "<receiverPartyId>"
#    useTransferPreapproval: false # sweep by transferring directly through the transfer preapproval of the receiver,
#                                    if set to false sweeping creates transfer offers that need to be accepted on the receiver side.

Whenever the balance of <senderPartyID> exceeds maxBalanceUSD, the validator will automatically create a transfer offer to <receiverPartyId>, for an amount that leaves minBalanceUSD in the sender’s wallet. Note that you will need to know the party IDs of both the sender and receiver, which can be copied from the wallet UIs of the respective users (in the top right corner). This therefore needs to be applied to the Helm chart in a second step after the initial deployment, once the party IDs are known.

Similarly, you can configure the validator to automatically accept transfer offers from certain parties on the network. To do so, uncomment and fill in the following section in the validator-values.yaml file:

# To configure the validator to auto-accept transfer offers from specific parties, uncomment and fill in the following:
#  "<receiverPartyId>":
#    fromParties:
#      - "<senderPartyId>"

Whenever the validator receives a transfer offer from <senderPartyID> to <receiverPartyId>, it will automatically accept it. Similarly to sweeps, party IDs must be known in order to apply this configuration.

Re-onboard a validator and recover balances of all users it hosts

In the case of a catastrophic failure of the validator node, some data owned by the validator and users it hosts can be recovered from the SVs. This data includes Canton Coin balance and CNS entries. This is achieved by deploying another validator node with control over the validator’s participant keys.

In order to be able to recover the data, you must have a backup of the identities of the validator, as created in the Backup of Node Identities section.

We can deploy a new validator node to which the data will be recovered.

Repeat the steps described in Installing the Software for installing the validator app and participant.

While doing so, please note the following:

Once the validator is up and running, login to the wallet of the validator https://wallet.validator.YOUR_HOSTNAME with the validator user account setup in Configuring an Auth0 Tenant. Confirm that the wallet balance is as expected. It should be the same as the amount that the original validator wallet user owned. By logging in with users that are hosted by the validator original, they should also see the same balance that they owned previously.

Restoring from a Participant Identities Dump

Before installing the validator app and participant with steps described in Installing the Software, You can configure to restore the validator and participant with the dump file you have prepared previously.

  • Create a Kubernetes secret with the content of that dump file. Assuming you set the environment variable PARTICIPANT_BOOTSTRAP_DUMP_FILE to a dump file path, you can create the secret with the following command:

kubectl create secret generic participant-bootstrap-dump \
    --from-file=content=${PARTICIPANT_BOOTSTRAP_DUMP_FILE} \
    -n validator
  • Uncomment the following lines in the standalone-validator-values.yaml file to enable the participant to restore from the dump:

# Uncomment the following block if you want to restore from a participant dump
# participantIdentitiesDumpImport:
# secretName: participant-bootstrap-dump
  • Uncomment the following lines in the standalone-validator-values.yaml file. This will specify a new participant ID for the validator. Replace put-some-new-string-never-used-before with a string that was never used before.

# Uncomment the following line if you want to migrate the validator party to a new participant
# newParticipantIdentifier: put-some-new-string-never-used-before
# migrateValidatorParty: true