Data Types
data ForDso
The group of contracts managed by the DSO party.
Used for checked fetches.
instance GetField "dso" ForDso Party
instance SetField "dso" ForDso Party
instance HasCheckedFetch UnclaimedReward ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch ValidatorRewardCoupon ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch AmuletRules ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch MemberTraffic ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch TransferCommand ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch ClosedMiningRound ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch IssuingMiningRound ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch OpenMiningRound ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch SummarizingMiningRound ForDso
instance HasCheckedFetch ValidatorLicense ForDso
data ForOwner
The group of contracts managed by the DSO party and owned by a specific party.
Used for checked fetches.
instance GetField "dso" ForOwner Party
instance GetField "owner" ForOwner Party
instance SetField "dso" ForOwner Party
instance SetField "owner" ForOwner Party
instance HasCheckedFetch Amulet ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch AppRewardCoupon ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch LockedAmulet ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch SvRewardCoupon ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch TransferPreapproval ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch TransferCommandCounter ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch ValidatorFaucetCoupon ForOwner
instance HasCheckedFetch ValidatorLivenessActivityRecord ForOwner
data ForRound
The group of contracts managed by the DSO party for a specific mining round.
Used for checked fetches.
instance GetField "dso" ForRound Party
instance GetField "round" ForRound Round
instance SetField "dso" ForRound Party
instance SetField "round" ForRound Round
instance HasCheckedFetch ClosedMiningRound ForRound
instance HasCheckedFetch IssuingMiningRound ForRound
instance HasCheckedFetch OpenMiningRound ForRound
instance HasCheckedFetch SummarizingMiningRound ForRound
data Round
instance GetField "createdAt" ExpiringAmount Round
instance GetField "firstReceivedFor" FaucetState Round
instance GetField "issuingMiningRounds" TransferContext (Map Round (ContractId IssuingMiningRound))
instance GetField "issuingMiningRounds" TransferContextSummary (Map Round IssuingMiningRound)
instance GetField "lastReceivedFor" FaucetState Round
instance GetField "number" Round Int
instance GetField "round" (AmuletCreateSummary amuletContractId) Round
instance GetField "round" AmuletExpireSummary Round
instance GetField "round" AppRewardCoupon Round
instance GetField "round" SvRewardCoupon Round
instance GetField "round" ValidatorRewardCoupon Round
instance GetField "round" AmuletRules_BuyMemberTrafficResult Round
instance GetField "round" TransferResult Round
instance GetField "round" ClosedMiningRound Round
instance GetField "round" IssuingMiningRound Round
instance GetField "round" OpenMiningRound Round
instance GetField "round" SummarizingMiningRound Round
instance GetField "round" ForRound Round
instance GetField "round" ValidatorFaucetCoupon Round
instance GetField "round" ValidatorLivenessActivityRecord Round
instance SetField "createdAt" ExpiringAmount Round
instance SetField "firstReceivedFor" FaucetState Round
instance SetField "issuingMiningRounds" TransferContext (Map Round (ContractId IssuingMiningRound))
instance SetField "issuingMiningRounds" TransferContextSummary (Map Round IssuingMiningRound)
instance SetField "lastReceivedFor" FaucetState Round
instance SetField "number" Round Int
instance SetField "round" (AmuletCreateSummary amuletContractId) Round
instance SetField "round" AmuletExpireSummary Round
instance SetField "round" AppRewardCoupon Round
instance SetField "round" SvRewardCoupon Round
instance SetField "round" ValidatorRewardCoupon Round
instance SetField "round" AmuletRules_BuyMemberTrafficResult Round
instance SetField "round" TransferResult Round
instance SetField "round" ClosedMiningRound Round
instance SetField "round" IssuingMiningRound Round
instance SetField "round" OpenMiningRound Round
instance SetField "round" SummarizingMiningRound Round
instance SetField "round" ForRound Round
instance SetField "round" ValidatorFaucetCoupon Round
instance SetField "round" ValidatorLivenessActivityRecord Round
- isDefinedRound
Check if a round has a positive round number