Scan Open API Reference

GET /v0/domains/{domain_id}/members/{member_id}/traffic-status

Get a member’s traffic status as reported by the sequencer, according to ledger state at the time of the request.

  • domain_id (string) – The synchronizer ID to look up traffic for.

  • member_id (string) – The participant or mediator whose traffic to look up, in the format code::id::fingerprint where code is PAR or MED.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/domains/{domain_id}/parties/{party_id}/participant-id

Get the ID of the participant hosting a given party. This will fail if there are multiple party-to-participant mappings for the given synchronizer and party, which is not currently supported.

  • domain_id (string) – The synchronizer ID to look up a mapping for.

  • party_id (string) – The party ID to lookup a participant ID for.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/validators/validator-faucets

For every argument that is a valid onboarded validator, return statistics on its liveness activity, according to on-ledger state at the time of the request.

Query Parameters:
  • validator_ids (array) – A list of validator party IDs, one per specification of the parameter. Any party IDs not matching onboarded validators will be ignored (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /readyz
Status Codes:
GET /livez
Status Codes:
GET /status
Status Codes:
GET /version
Status Codes:
GET /v0/dso
Status Codes:
GET /v0/dso-party-id

The party ID of the DSO for the Splice network connected by this Scan app.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/closed-rounds

Every closed mining round on the ledger still in post-close process for the connected Splice network, in round number order, earliest-first.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/open-and-issuing-mining-rounds

All current open and issuing mining rounds, if the request is empty; passing contract IDs in the request can reduce the response data for polling/client-cache-update efficiency.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/amulet-rules
Status Codes:
POST /v0/external-party-amulet-rules
Status Codes:
POST /v0/ans-rules
Status Codes:

List every FeaturedAppRight registered with the DSO on the ledger.

Status Codes:

If provider_party_id has a FeaturedAppRight registered with the DSO, return it; featured_app_right will be empty otherwise.

  • provider_party_id (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/total-amulet-balance

Get the total balance of Amulet in the network

Query Parameters:
  • asOfEndOfRound (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/wallet-balance

Get the Amulet balance for a specific party at the end of a closed round

Query Parameters:
  • party_id (string) – (Required)

  • asOfEndOfRound (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/amulet-config-for-round

Retrieve some information from the AmuletRules selected for the given round

Query Parameters:
  • round (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/round-of-latest-data

Get the latest round number for which aggregated data is available and the ledger effective time at which the round was closed.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/rewards-collected

Get the total rewards collected ever

Query Parameters:
  • round (integer)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/top-providers-by-app-rewards

Get a list of top-earning app providers, and the total earned app rewards for each

Query Parameters:
  • round (integer) – (Required)

  • limit (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/top-validators-by-validator-rewards

Get a list of top-earning validators, and the total earned validator rewards for each

Query Parameters:
  • round (integer) – (Required)

  • limit (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/top-validators-by-validator-faucets

Get a list of top validators by number of rounds in which they collected faucets, and basis statistics on their round collection history

Query Parameters:
  • limit (integer) – Maximum number of validator records that may be returned in the response (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/top-validators-by-purchased-traffic

Get a list of validators and their domain fees spends, sorted by the amount of extra traffic purchased

Query Parameters:
  • round (integer) – (Required)

  • limit (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/dso-sequencers

Retrieve Canton sequencer configuration for all SVs, grouped by connected synchronizer ID

Status Codes:
GET /v0/scans

Retrieve Canton scan configuration for all SVs, grouped by connected synchronizer ID

Status Codes:
POST /v0/activities

Lists activities in descending order, paged, optionally starting after a provided event id.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/transactions

Lists transactions, by default in ascending order, paged, from ledger begin or optionally starting after a provided event id.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/updates

Returns the update history in ascending order, paged, from ledger begin or optionally starting after a record time. Deprecated, use /v1/updates instead.

Status Codes:
POST /v1/updates

Returns the update history in ascending order, paged, from ledger begin or optionally starting after a record time. Unlike /v0/updates, this endpoint returns responses that are consistent across different scan instances. Event ids returned by this endpoint are not comparable to event ids returned by /v0/updates.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/updates/{update_id}

Deprecated, use /v1/updates/{update_id} instead.

  • update_id (string)

Query Parameters:
  • lossless (boolean) – Whether contract payload should be encoded into json using a lossless, but much harder to process, encoding. This is mostly used for backend calls, and is not recommended for external users. Optional and defaults to false.

Status Codes:
GET /v1/updates/{update_id}

Returns the update with the given update_id. Unlike /v0/updates/{update_id}, this endpoint returns responses that are consistent across different scan instances. Event ids returned by this endpoint are not comparable to event ids returned by /v0/updates.

  • update_id (string)

Query Parameters:
  • daml_value_encoding (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/state/acs/snapshot-timestamp

Returns the timestamp of the most recent snapshot before the given date, for the given migration_id. This corresponds to the record time of the last transaction in the snapshot.

Query Parameters:
  • before (string) – (Required)

  • migration_id (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
POST /v0/state/acs

Returns the ACS in creation date ascending order, paged, for a given migration id and record time.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/state/acs/force

Takes a snapshot of the ACS at the current time. The responses can be used as parameters to /v0/state/acs to retrieve the snapshot. Disabled in production environments due to its persistent alteration of the behavior of future invocations of /v0/state/acs, as it causes an immediate internal snapshot and delay in the next automatic snapshot.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/holdings/state

Returns the active amulet contracts for a given migration id and record time, in creation date ascending order, paged.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/holdings/summary

Returns the summary of active amulet contracts for a given migration id and record time, for the given parties. This is an aggregate of /v0/holdings/state by owner party ID with better performance than client-side computation.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/ans-entries

Lists all non-expired ANS entries whose names are prefixed with the name_prefix, up to page_size entries.

Query Parameters:
  • name_prefix (string) – Every result’s name will start with this substring; if empty or absent, all entries will be listed. Does not have to be a whole word or segment; any substring will be accepted.

  • page_size (integer) – The maximum number of results returned. Older (but still non-expired) results are listed first. (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/ans-entries/by-party/{party}

If present, the first ANS entry for user party according to name lexicographic order.

  • party (string) – The user party ID that holds the ANS entry.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/ans-entries/by-name/{name}

If present, the ANS entry named exactly name.

  • name (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/transfer-preapprovals/by-party/{party}

Lookup a TransferPreapproval by the receiver party.

  • party (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/transfer-command-counter/{party}

Lookup a TransferCommandCounter by the receiver party.

  • party (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/transfer-command/status

Retrieve the status of all transfer commands (up to a limit of 100) of the given sender for the specified nonce.

Query Parameters:
  • sender (string) – (Required)

  • nonce (integer) – (Required)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/acs/{party}

Fetch the current SV participant ACS snapshot for the DSO and party.

  • party (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/aggregated-rounds

Retrieve the current earliest and latest rounds aggregated for this Scan.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/round-totals

List Amulet statistics for up to 200 closed rounds.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/round-party-totals

Retrieve per-party Amulet statistics for up to 50 closed rounds.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/migrations/schedule

If the DSO has scheduled a synchronizer upgrade, return its planned time and the new migration ID.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/synchronizer-identities/{domain_id_prefix}
  • domain_id_prefix (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/synchronizer-bootstrapping-transactions/{domain_id_prefix}
  • domain_id_prefix (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/splice-instance-names

Retrieve the UI names of various elements of this Splice network.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/voterequest

Look up several VoteRequests at once by their contract IDs.

Status Codes:
GET /v0/voterequests/{vote_request_contract_id}

Look up a VoteRequest by contract ID.

  • vote_request_contract_id (string)

Status Codes:
GET /v0/admin/sv/voterequests

List all active VoteRequests.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/admin/sv/voteresults
Status Codes:
GET /v0/admin/validator/licenses

List all validators currently approved by members of the DSO, paginated, sorted newest-first.

Query Parameters:
  • after (integer) – A next_page_token from a prior response; if absent, return the first page.

  • limit (integer) – Maximum number of elements to return, 1000 by default.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/backfilling/migration-info

List all previous synchronizer migrations in this Splice network’s history.

Status Codes:
POST /v0/backfilling/updates-before

Retrieve transactions and synchronizer reassignments prior to the request’s specification.

Status Codes: