Validator API

The Validator App is part of a CN Validator or CN Supervalidator node. It connects to a Canton participant and provides the following functionality:

  • It manages the Canton participant. Examples are automatically setting up the participant’s connection to Canton Network synchronizer, uploading DAR files, or managing daml parties.

  • It automates core Canton Network daml workflows (except those related to supervalidator operations). Examples are minting validator rewards or executing recurring Canton Coin payments.

  • It exposes a REST API for interacting with core Canton Network daml workflows (except those related to supervalidator operations). Examples are users programmatically managing their CN Wallet.

The REST API consists of a large number of endpoints with different purposes, which are listed below grouped as follows:



User wallet API

Users interacting with their wallets

Internal user wallet API

Internal components interacting with user wallets

External Custody API

External custody for Canton Coin

User management API

Managing users hosted by the (super)validator node

Validator management API

Operators managing the (super)validator node


Used for the Amulet Name Service

Scan Proxy API

BFT proxy to the public scan API

User wallet API

These endpoints are intended for users to programmatically interact with their wallets.

Authorization: Authentication with a JWT token as described in Authentication, where the subject claim of the token is the user whose wallet the endpoint operates on.

Backwards compatibility: External API with backwards compatibility guarantees.

Reference: For details, see the wallet-external.yaml OpenAPI spec.

Transfer Offers

Transfer offers are used to in a two-step workflow to transfer Canton Coin between users:

  • The sender creates a Splice.Wallet.TransferOffer daml contract.

  • The receiver accepts the offer, which immediately transfers the agreed coin.



POST /v0/wallet/transfer-offers

Create a transfer offer

POST /v0/wallet/transfer-offers/{tracking_id}/status

Check the status of a transfer offer

GET /v0/wallet/transfer-offers

List transfer offers

Buying Traffic

Traffic on the CN Global Synchronizer is limited. Every validator has a budget of traffic that they can use, and daml transactions submitted to the synchronizer consume this traffic. A certain amount of traffic is free, additional traffic has to be bought with Canton Coin.

Any user can buy traffic for any validator. Buying traffic is a multi-step process:

  • The user creates a Splice.Wallet.BuyTrafficRequest daml contract.

  • The users wallet automation picks up the request, burns the required coin from the users wallet, and increases the traffic budget of the target validator.



POST /v0/wallet/buy-traffic-requests

Create a request to buy traffic

POST /v0/wallet/buy-traffic-requests/{tracking_id}/status

Check the status of a buy traffic request

Internal user wallet API

These endpoints are used internally to interact with a users wallet, for example by the web frontend of the user wallet.

Authorization: Authentication with a JWT token as described in Authentication, where the subject claim of the token is the user whose wallet the endpoint operates on.

Backwards compatibility: Internal API with no guarantees.

Reference: For details, see the wallet-internal.yaml OpenAPI spec.


POST /v0/wallet/transfer-offers/{contract_id}/accept

POST /v0/wallet/transfer-offers/{contract_id}/reject

POST /v0/wallet/transfer-offers/{contract_id}/withdraw

GET /v0/wallet/app-payment-requests

POST /v0/wallet/app-payment-requests/{contract_id}/reject

POST /v0/wallet/app-payment-requests/{contract_id}/accept

GET /v0/wallet/app-payment-requests/{contract_id}

GET /v0/wallet/subscription-requests

POST /v0/wallet/subscription-requests/{contract_id}/reject

POST /v0/wallet/subscription-requests/{contract_id}/accept

DELETE /v0/wallet/subscription-requests/{contract_id}

GET /v0/wallet/subscription-requests/{contract_id}

DELETE /v0/wallet/cancel-featured-app-rights

POST /v0/wallet/transfer-preapproval

POST /v0/wallet/transfer-preapproval/send

GET /v0/wallet/balance

GET /v0/wallet/amulets

GET /v0/wallet/accepted-app-payments

GET /v0/wallet/accepted-transfer-offers

GET /v0/wallet/app-reward-coupons

GET /v0/wallet/subscription-initial-payments

GET /v0/wallet/subscriptions

GET /v0/wallet/sv-reward-coupons

POST /v0/wallet/transactions

GET /v0/wallet/validator-faucet-coupons

GET /v0/wallet/validator-liveness-activity-records

GET /v0/wallet/validator-reward-coupons

POST /v0/wallet/self-grant-feature-app-right

POST /v0/wallet/tap

GET /v0/wallet/user-status

External Custody API

These endpoints are used to implement external signing of Canton Coin transactions.

External signing is a Canton feature allows setting up a party such that transaction submissions must be signed by keys held outside of the participant. For more information on external signing in general, see the example, service protobuf definition, and readme in Canton.

For the common case of wanting to set up an external party in a topology where the executing, preparing and confirming participant are the same node and that party should hold and transfer Canton Coin, the validator provides high-level APIs.

  1. Use /v0/admin/external-party/topology/* to set up an external party

  2. Use /v0/admin/external-party/setup-proposal to start setting up a Splice.Wallet.TransferPreapproval daml contract for the external party, which allows the party to send and receive Canton Coin without having to approve individual transfer offers.

  3. Use /v0/admin/external-party/setup-proposal/* to finish setting up the transfer preapproval.

  4. Use /v0/admin/external-party/transfer-preapproval/* to send Canton Coin to other parties.

  5. Use /v0/admin/external-party/balance to check the balance of the external party.

Authorization: Authentication with any valid JWT token as described in Authentication.

Backwards compatibility: Internal API with no guarantees.

Reference: For details, see the validator-internal.yaml OpenAPI spec.


POST /v0/admin/external-party/topology/generate

POST /v0/admin/external-party/topology/submit

GET /v0/admin/external-party/setup-proposal

POST /v0/admin/external-party/setup-proposal

POST /v0/admin/external-party/setup-proposal/prepare-accept

POST /v0/admin/external-party/setup-proposal/submit-accept

GET /v0/admin/transfer-preapprovals

GET /v0/admin/transfer-preapprovals/by-party/{receiver-party}

DELETE /v0/admin/transfer-preapprovals/by-party/{receiver-party}

POST /v0/admin/external-party/transfer-preapproval/prepare-send

POST /v0/admin/external-party/transfer-preapproval/submit-send

GET /v0/admin/external-party/balance

User management API

These endpoints are used to manage users hosted on the validator node.

Users can either onboard themselves (/v0/register), or an admin may onboard arbitrary users (/v0/admin/users).

Authorization: Authentication with a JWT token as described in Authentication, where the subject claim of the token is the validator operator user (for /v0/admin/users), or the user onboarding itself (for /v0/register).

Backwards compatibility: Internal API with no guarantees.

Reference: For details, see the validator-internal.yaml OpenAPI spec.


GET /v0/admin/users

POST /v0/admin/users/offboard

POST /v0/admin/users

POST /v0/register

Validator management API

These endpoints are used by validator and supervalidator operators to manage their node. There is no need to call these endpoints unless instructed so by an operational manual, such as Validators or Supervalidators.

Authorization: Authentication with a JWT token as described in Authentication, where the subject claim of the token is the validator operator user.

Backwards compatibility: Internal API with no guarantees.

Reference: For details, see the validator-internal.yaml OpenAPI spec.


GET /v0/admin/participant/identities

GET /v0/admin/participant/global-domain-connection-config

GET /v0/admin/domain/data-snapshot


These endpoints are used to interact with the Amulet Name Service (ANS). The (ANS) is a service that allows parties to buy a globally unique, human readable name for a time period mapped to their party. Users can request the creation of new ANS entries, upon which a subscription payment request is created. Once the payment is accepted in the wallet UI, the entry is created and the user can use it to refer to their party.

Authorization: Authentication with a JWT token as described in Authentication, where the subject claim of the token is the user who is requesting the new ANS entry.

Backwards compatibility: External API with backwards compatibility guarantees.

Reference: For details, see the ans-external.yaml OpenAPI spec.



POST /v0/entry/create

Requests the creation of a new entry

GET /v0/entry/all

Lists all entries

Scan Proxy API

These endpoints implement a BFT proxy to the public scan API. They have the same interfaces as the equally named endpoints in the public Scan API.

If the validator app is part of a CN Validator node, then each call to one of these endpoints is broadcast to the scan services of multiple supervalidator nodes, and the consensus result is returned to the caller. Use these endpoints instead of calling a scan service directly to avoid the need to trust a single supervalidator node.

If the validator app is part of a CN Supervalidator node, then each call to one of these endpoints is simply forwarded to the scan service of the same node.

Authorization: Authentication with any valid JWT token as described in Authentication.

Backwards compatibility: See the corresponding endpoint in the Scan API.

Reference: For details, see the scan-proxy.yaml OpenAPI spec.


GET /v0/scan-proxy/amulet-rules

POST /v0/scan-proxy/ans-rules

GET /v0/scan-proxy/dso-party-id

GET /v0/scan-proxy/open-and-issuing-mining-rounds

GET /v0/scan-proxy/ans-entries

GET /v0/scan-proxy/ans-entries/by-name/{name}

GET /v0/scan-proxy/ans-entries/by-party/{party}

GET /v0/scan-proxy/featured-apps/{provider_party_id}

GET /v0/scan-proxy/transfer-command-counter/{party}

GET /v0/scan-proxy/transfer-command/status

GET /v0/scan-proxy/transfer-preapprovals/by-party/{party}