Scan Global Synchronizer Operations API

Scan provides endpoints to query about the ongoing operations of the Global Synchronizer, based on information recorded on-ledger.

Validator Liveness

Rather than Listing all Validators, which can yield a large number of irrelevant records, /v0/validators/validator-faucets?validator_ids=… yields only liveness information about the specified validators.

For example, querying for a few validators might yield

  "validatorsReceivedFaucets": [
      "validator": "digitalasset-testValidator-1::12201bca369bee8df7a32ee53c6433d437396c9f69c269a1bb51383c0a279ca90626",
      "numRoundsCollected": 36,
      "numRoundsMissed": 0,
      "firstCollectedInRound": 19830,
      "lastCollectedInRound": 19865
    /* similar structures for the other two validators */

The key properties are numRoundsCollected, indicating how many rounds the validator was active for, and lastCollectedInRound, which is a close approximation for how recently the validator was in operation.

The output order does not necessarily match the input order; use the validator property to correlate multiple-validator requests.

DSO Info

The DSO coordinates its operations around a set of on-ledger contracts. These contracts change over time, so retrieving the latest copies of the contracts is the only effective way to check the current rules for interacting with the DSO-controlled aspects of a Splice network. Fetching the /v0/dso endpoint simply returns all of this information, mostly in Daml contract JSON format.

Here’s an example:

  "sv_user": "bUfFRpl2tEfZBB7wzIo9iRNGTj8wMeIn@clients",
  "sv_party_id": "DA-Helm-Test-Node::12201094994818f3b4a165f4b391736a9c2f7c5f4ee926b5a3179cc224fe47cc92f3",
  "dso_party_id": "DSO::122084177677350389dd0710d6516f700a33fe348c5f2702dffef6d36e1dedcbfc17",
  "voting_threshold": 11,
  "latest_mining_round": /* OpenMiningRound Daml contract */,
  "amulet_rules": /* AmuletRules Daml contract */,
  "dso_rules": /* DsoRules Daml contract */,
  "sv_node_states": [
      /* several SvNodeState contracts, one for each SV */

In most use cases, the amulet_rules, latest_mining_round, and dso_rules will be the most interesting properties; the former two for interacting with Amulet, and the latter for checking scheduled network rule changes. Consult their respective Daml templates for details on included data.